In partnership with Marin Superior Court and Legal Aid of Marin we host a monthly Community Court in our dining facility after hours. Last year, we assisted 370 individuals to successfully resolve their cases.
How can we help you?
Marin Community Court makes court proceedings accessible to you in a friendly atmosphere to help resolve minor offenses and outstanding fines that are damaging your credit, impacting your driver’s license, or otherwise holding you back. Community Court personnel work with you to secure community service hours, connect you with social services, medical treatment, rehabilitation programs, and job seeking assistance.
How do I apply to attend Community Court?
You must apply in advance to participate in Community Court. You can apply by call or text through Legal Aid of Marin at 415-622-6108.
Quick links to other related services:
- Legal Aid of Marin
Legal Aid of Marin’s mission is to provide access to the civil justice system to low-income, vulnerable, and otherwise underserved residents of Marin County. We strive for practical solutions to client problems through quality legal service.